
Dingzhong Ding
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Foreign Language School
The day I came out
as crustacean, I thought
I couldn’t be further
from mortality. To hear
unbodied shrieks from
corners, my first and
last child. Since then,
I had been smeared
across the spotlights
and had appalled my
patrons, now that I am
a vehicle: carnival of
phantom limbs, bones
that want. Of course,
I buried my darling
stillbirths and someone
else’s unborn live ones,
having encountered the
fullness of my family’s
desire. Unbeknownst:
creatures of dirt and
exoskeleton being
the most adept at
manslaughter. That is
to say, I felt something
turn and not brake.
Such is my pride:
what ends in me ends;
a one-man, one-night-
only performance.
Once, another dung-
beetle stationed itself
in the middle of a
footslogged pavilion.
Such is its pride: to be
witnessed, permanent,
representative of a
species and a weather,
even as a paralysis or
specimen. Meaning,
either be glorious or
offer theater. Such is
nature’s grandest lesson.
I marvel at the prospect
of neither. I map myself
out of my hometown
and return as a pretense,
the finest specimen of
what could’ve been,
what is presumed to be.
Back home, they’re glad
my coming-out is linear
and surgical. But I had
the hardest time leaving
my skin. To battle the
instinct of human lesions,
to turn infinite and then,
uninheritable. To the
onslaught of onlookers:
I put on stage wear
and a show.
Ding courageously dissects the mechanisms of transformation, identity, and discovering personhood. A skinny, langy poem with a powerful soul, Pride is a piece that will crawl itself into your heart and an anthem you will crawl back to.
Dingzhong Ding (he/him) is a writer from Shanghai. His work has been recognized by the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. His recent poems are out now or soon with Poetry Online, Vagabond City Lit, and the Incandescent Review, among others.