Meditation on a Blood Stain
Minerva Macarrulla
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Friends
in the morning, the gray cloth is pained, twisted, and disrupted / or, in the morning, the gray cloth is
tie-dyed in the silent stream / that formed last night / when a vein of mine changed course and leaned into
gravity / sinking downhill until it found a warm place to squat, found a head tossed back, neck tugging at a
gentle jawline and lips halfway parted / which is to say
the mouths of rivers will do nothing to demand your attention
except flow, will merge with ponds or oceans and never assert their own power
the more powerful thing being that I know to listen to something that does not
present the athletics of its violence to me competitively, that the kind of blood
that blooms rather than cuts knows how to glean a limp carcass from an
ocean floor, is more concerned with healing than with conquest and yet
every surrounding object is pulled into its orbit anyway and isn’t there
a metaphor in that somewhere? don’t we all end up
learning from our own bodies, the ensnaring
of yet undecorated cloth for no reason
except nurture and the collection
of puddles that look like flower
petals peeking out of a riverbed?
sometimes, I am overtaken by
the red mass carving at my
insides: it wrinkles me
makes me dull
I am clumsy and do not think that this is help
or beauty
I am forgetful and think that my body of water has become the pain
but a thinner liquid ushers two numbing pills down my throat
and as aggression calms
my river is still not
This is poetry at its finest. I feel this poem has enraptured, in the best way possible, the drowning of what it feels to lose oneself in chaos, death, pain, and violence. Its themes are strong and sharp, and the enjambment is spot on.
Minerva Macarrulla graduated from Brooklyn Friends, in Brooklyn NY in 2019.