Ways to Earn Entries or Service Hours:
1. Social Media Post (1 Entry or 0.5 Service Hours)
Post the linked flyer on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
Tag us (@PolyphonyLit) and email a screenshot to shawn@polyphonylit.org.
2. Classroom Display (1 Entry or 0.5 Service Hours)
Print the flyer and put it up in your English classroom.
Snap a photo and email it to shawn@polyphonylit.org.
3. Community Posting (2 Entries or 1 Service Hour)
Put the flyer in a library, coffee shop, or teen-friendly space.
Email a photo to shawn@polyphonylit.org.
4. Teacher/Librarian Outreach (4 Entries or 1.5 Service Hours)
Get a teacher or librarian to email shawn@polyphonylit.org to learn about using Polyphony Lit in schools.
5. Workshop Sign-Up (4 Entries or 1.5 Service Hours per sign-up)
Get a friend to register for our Editor Training Workshop.
6. Apprenticeship Sign-Up (4 Entries or 1.5 Service Hours per sign-up)
Encourage a friend to join our Summer Editing Apprenticeship.
Here’s the flyer: Polyphony Lit Flyer
Want more service hours? Join our Entrepreneurial Committee (parents can help too!). Click here to learn more.
Have questions? Email Shawn at shawn@polyphonylit.org.
Thank you for spreading the word and being awesome. Together, we can make a difference!